The Poetry of Mohamed Rabadan, Arragonese.. Libros. Aragón

The Poetry of Mohamed Rabadan, Arragonese. Libros Aragón.

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literatura, historia de Aragón

Autor: Francisco Javier Mendivil Navarro Fecha: 12 de diciembre de 2023 última revisión

Autor: STANLEY, H. E. J.
Titulo: The Poetry of Mohamed Rabadan, Arragonese.
Editor: London: Royal Asiatic Society, 1867.


Informe original del siglo XIX, detalla la vida del poeta Mohamed Rabadán de Aragón (Mohamed Rabadan of Arragonese), también un segundo informe de Stanley sobre el poeta Mohamed Rabadan of Arragon.

Libro sobre Mohamed Rabadán

Excerpt: " Mohamed Rabadan was a native of Rueda on the river Xalon, one of those Moriscoes who were driven out of Spain, chiefly on the ground that they would not and could not amalgamate with the Spaniards, and that they clung to the Arabic language and customs, and were, and always would remain Arabs, foreigners in Spain and enemies of its people. It is possible that at the time of the expulsion some of the Moriscoes did not know Spanish, but it is yet more probable that the great majority of them knew nothing of Arabic; and the best proof of this is the volume written by Rabadan ..."