Ski. Sport in Aragon.

Ski. Sport in Aragon. Aragón.

Aragón es así

Autor: Francisco Javier Mendivil Navarro Fecha: 19 de octubre de 2023 última revisión

The journey through Aragonese lands can not end without highlighting an important aspect that unites the tourist with the sport in the winter months. It is, of course, about skiing in Aragon that can be practiced both in the Pyrenees and in the Iberian System of Teruel.

Ski in Aragon: the highest peaks.

Pyrenean alpine ski resorts extend into three valleys.
  Ski The Astún stations are located in the Aragón valley,   modern and well equipped and Candanchú - pioneer of ski sports. In both, which have numerous ski lifts and very varied tracks, the skier will find satisfaction not only in the sports but also in the services. They have good communications and the valley of Aragón, with Jaca in the head, offers the enthusiastic skier a wide and varied hotel offer.
  Not in vain the Aragonese Pyrenees hosted the international sports competition with greater similarity to the Olympic Games, the Universiade.

Ski In the valley of Tena are the stations of El Formigal   and Panticosa. While El Formigal offers us its own international character of an urban center made expressly for the practice of sport, Panticosa puts all the beauty of the landscape and the tipismo of the town, from which it has its exit the chairlift that leads us to the station. Panticosa has a complete background circuit and a veteran installation hotel the famous spa. From here mountaineering enthusiasts can make, both in summer and in winter, beautiful excursions, as well as being a place of rest with all kinds of services: hotels, hot springs, fishing, hunting, mountain, cross-country skiing, and a long etcetera.

Ski In the valley of Benasque is the highest town of Aragon, Cerler, at 1,540 m. of altitude It is located in the ski resort, surrounded by high peaks and glaciers. The landscape is of great beauty and majesty.
For lovers of the fund, in addition to the circuits prepared in Candanchú and Panticosa, new possibilities are opened. First of all, the triple offer of the mancomunidad of the valleys of Anso-Fago, Echo and Aragues-Jasa. In them there are permanent circuits that run in areas of great beauty and admirable vegetation: Linza, Garbadillo and Lizara are respectively the names of these places that have prepared tracks, services and good access.

Ski In the Ordesa Valley there is an area in which the   Nordic skiing in the National Park, on the banks of the Arazas river. Another track is also planned in Fanlo.

Ski En Alcala de la Selva   -province of Teruel- the ski resort of Sierra de Gudar (Valdelinares) is the ski resort of Teruel in which more and more skiers, especially Valencians, are gliding along its slopes.

The Javalambre ski resort is already a reality that makes it the second station in Teruel. It is located between Camarena de la Sierra and Manzanera.

There are other ways to enjoy the snow in Aragon.

Índice alfabético sobre Aragón

Explora el Mudéjar aragonés, Patrimonio de la Humanidad te mostrarán un Aragón antiguo, base y cimiento de la realidad , actual.

Multitud de paisajes cambian desde zonas silvestres hasta zonas de cultivo intensivo.

Mira los dibujos a pluma de Miguel Brunet.

La información no estará completa sin un paseo por sus tres provincias: Zaragoza , Teruel y Huesca y sus variadas Comarcas, con parada en alguno de sus espectaculares paisajes como el valle pirenaico de Ordesa o el Moncayo o por oposición en el valle el Ebro .

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También puedes dedicarte a los intangibles: desde la recopilación de leyendas que hacen a Aragón universal tu también puedes perseguir la presencia del Santo Grial en Aragón.

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Ski. Sport in Aragon.

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